The participants of the II International Pro-Israel Summit, organised by the Center for Fundamental Rights, reaffirmed their strong commitment and sympathy for the State of Israel, following the first meeting last year. The speakers, who came from all over the world, agreed that in the midst of conflicts, the path to peace must always be kept in mind. 

In his opening speech, Miklós Szánthó, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, pointed out that Israel's fight against terror is essentially the same fight that we Hungarians are waging against illegal immigration and border protection. The Director General also emphasised that "in the turbulent waves of history, the ships of state of Israel and Hungary are seeking the same safe harbour, namely sovereignty and a just peace".

János Bóka, Minister for European Union Affairs, representing the Hungarian government, affirmed that Hungary is an important strategic partner of the State of Israel and that Hungary considers Israel to be one of the most important actors for stability in the Middle East. He also noted that Hungary currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, one of the main priorities of which is the fight against anti-Semitism. 

The conference also heard a speech by Miri Regev, Israel's Minister of Transport and Road Safety, who thanked the Hungarian government for its support for Judaism and Israel, for freedom of worship and learning. He stressed that Israel wants all of us to live in peace in the world, with God's help. 

István Kovács, Strategic Director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, said that Israel's enemies, the globalist left and terrorists, hate Israel because they fear Israel's example of national survival based on strong pillars of faith and tradition. That is why they are also angry with Hungary, he said, because we Hungarians also defend our national independence and sovereignty.

Joining the conference online was Yair Netanyahu, son of Benjamin Netanyahu, who expressed his view that the war Israel is waging is nothing but a war of the free world, and stressed that Israel is also protecting Europe from Muslim immigrants. In his opinion, the relationship between Hungary and Israel has never been better, because Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has a very strong moral compass about what is right and what is wrong. 

The conference was closed by Péter Sztáray, State Secretary for Security Policy, who emphasised the strong relationship between Israel and Hungary and confirmed that Hungary would use its EU presidency to support Jewish life. 

The message of the conference was clear: despite a new wave of anti-Semitism in the West, Hungary could remain an island of peace, and the aim was to extend this peace to as many countries on the continent as possible. We will not remain silent, we will stand by Israel, the victims and their families.